
Product Release Notes - June 2022


New Taxonomy Tool

A new taxonomy tool is now available in beta using cml:taxonomy_beta. Refer to the Success Center article for more information. More Info

Quality Audit

  1. Quality Audit now supports widgets (Pins from Pinterest and Tweets from Twitter) to be rendered on Grid View and Detail View. Customers can now view the widgets and audit responses from the contributors.
  2. Users can now render jobs with custom JavaScript in Grid and Detail view. More Info

Test Questions

A new toggle button has been added to the Quality page, so that users can choose to hide test question answers for a particular job. More Info

Bug Fixes

Test Questions from Finalized Rows

A bug preventing users from being able to create test questions from finalized rows has been fixed.

CML – only-if Logic

Only-if logic has been fixed to adjust displayed fields according to changes in original responses.

Text Annotation

Text annotation jobs with source="text" and text with '\n' (newline) symbols were not parsing correctly. Now, the new line renders correctly.

Token Rendering in Unit Review

In "unit review" mode, text annotations with multiple judgments on a token were not rendering correctly. Now, you can see all judgments applied to a given token.

Taxonomy Tool

  • The search function in the new beta taxonomy tool has been fixed to only return results containing the search term in the name or description of the item.
  • Search results no longer block the selection confirmation pop-up in the beta taxonomy tool UI.

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