
Guide to: Running a Text Relationships Job


The Text Relationships tool (cml:text_relationships) allows users to create a job that annotates relationships between spans of text with a custom ontology. 


Note: As this tool is currently in its Beta phase, please contact your Customer Success Manager to gain early access.

Note: For Dedicated customers, this feature is currently not available On-Premises and only available via the cloud multi-tenant Appen Data Annotation Platform.

Figure 1: Text Relationships Tool via Preview Page


    • Span - a string of text with an assigned class label; the output of a model or contributor judgment.
    • Relationship - consists of two spans (from a span and to a span) and the relation between them.
    • Relation - the name/type of the relation between two spans as defined in the job's ontology.
    • From span - the starting span in a relationship
    • To span - the ending span in a relationship

Upload Data

The source data of a Text Relationships job can come from two different sources:

  • The output of a previous text annotation job on the Appen platform
    • The output of a previously ran text annotation job on the Appen platform can be uploaded to a text relationships job directly without any modification.
  • Data created externally
    • A source file containing data created externally can be uploaded to a text relationships job, but an identical JSON format (hosted in a URL and a CORS configured bucket) as the output of a text annotation job on the Appen platform will be required.

Note: There is an example file attached below on how to format source data.

Build a Job


Below are the parameters available for the text relationships tool. Some are required in the element, some can be left out.

  • source-data (required)
    • The name of the source data column containing the data to be annotated
  • name (required)
    • The result header where the result links will be stored
  • context-column(optional)
    • The name of the source data column containing the context of each data row
  • review-data (optional)
    • The name of the source data column containing pre-annotated text relationships
  • task-type (optional)
    • Please set task-type=”qa” when designing a review or QA job. This parameter needs to be used in conjunction with review-data . See this article for more details.
  • direction (optional):

    • Renders text in a specific direction

    • Accepts rtl and ltr for right-to-left and left-to-right scripts respectively

    • Defaults to left-to-right if not set


  • The Ontology Manager allows job owners to create and edit the ontology within a Text Relationships job. Text Relationships Jobs require an ontology to launch.
  • When the CML for a text relationships job is saved, the Ontology Manager link will appear at the top right of the Design page.
  • The ontology of Text Relationships jobs allows you to create relationship restrictions to each span class.
  • The ontology of a Text Relationships job can be copied from a Text Annotation job or another Text Relationships job, via download and upload.


Figure 2: Ontology Manager for Text Relationships 

Ontology Manager Best Practices 

  • The limit of ontology is 1,000 classes, however, as best practice, we recommend not exceeding 16 classes in a job to ensure contributors can understand and process the different classes. 
  • Choose from 16 colors pre-selected or upload custom colors as hex code via the CSV ontology upload.

Important Note: If there is no relationship restriction defined to a class, the class will not able to relate to any other classes in the job.

Nested Spans

Text Relationships tool (cml:text_relationships) supports nested spans. However, there is one restriction for creating relationships for nested spans.

Consider this example:

Here we have one root span


and two sub spans.


We can create Relationship between sub spans


but between root span and sub span we cannot create a relationship.



  • Results are links to a JSON file that contains a list of relationships.
  • The links are found in the Full or Aggregated report under the column header that was specified as the value for the name attribute.
  • Result links will expire 15 days after generation; to access results after the links have expired, you will need to re-generate the result report.
  • Each relationship instance is an array of five attributes:
    • id: the unique ID of each relationship instance
    • name: the class name of the relation
    • from_span: contains the details of from_span
    • to_span: contains the details of to_span
    • annotated_by: indicates whether a relationship instance is pre-loaded into the job or manually added by an annotator

Downloadable Files:

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