
Guide to: Job Templates

Job templates play a crucial role in simplifying the job creation process and serve as an invaluable starting point for users to tailor jobs according to their unique annotation requirements. There are two kinds of templates available: Platform Templates and User and Team Templates. 

Platform Templates

To access platform templates you simply:

  1. Select the appropriate template for your project (see below)
  2. Customize to fit your project needs
  3. Run small test batches (as necessary)
  4. Launch!

Templates can be located any time by creating a new job through the main Appen jobs dashboard. Select "Create Job" from the "Your Jobs" page and you will be lead to a list of templates to choose from.



User Templates

The ADAP platform provides you with the ability to create templates based on your existing jobs. We recommend selecting jobs that have been successfully run and thoroughly tested and launched for their preferred audience. It's also important to note that when creating a template from an existing job, that job's settings will be preserved. If any modifications to the job settings are desired, they should be made before launching any new job created from that template.


To create a user template, follow these steps:

Step 1: From your jobs page, select a job and click on the kebab menu located on the far right. Then, choose the "Create Template" option from the drop-down menu.



Step 2: A modal will appear, where you will need to enter a mandatory Title and Description for the template. Additionally, you can provide a URL link to a public image and select the appropriate use case from the provided list. Once all the necessary information is provided, click on "Create" to finish creating the template.


Step 3: Access the Home page in ADAP to view your user templates. They will be displayed in the left-hand sidebar under "Featured Templates > Your Templates".


In addition to user templates, there are also team templates available on the ADAP platform. Team templates differ from user templates in that they are accessible to all users within a team account. The promotion of team templates can only be done by team admins and ADAP admins. If you need assistance in promoting your template to a team template and you are not a team admin, kindly reach out to platform support for help.

Team Templates

Team admins can promote their own user templates so that they are available to everyone in the team.

Step 1: Click on the up arrow at the top right of the template you wish to promote.


Step 2: A modal will appear asking you to confirm the promotion.


Step 3: Access the Home page in ADAP to view your user templates. They will be displayed in the left-hand sidebar under "Featured Templates > Team Templates".


Team admins can view the templates created by members of their team via the "Team Members Templates" page. In order to promote team member templates, go to "Job Templates", select "Team Members Templates" and follow steps 1 through 3 above.


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