
Unit Statuses in Quality Flow Projects

At the top of the DATASET tab you will see a high level summary of work completed in your Project. The numbers in the bottom row will always sum to TOTAL UNITS.

Note that multiple judgments are not yet fully implemented in Quality Flow Projects, although you will see some statuses related to judgment-level views in preparation.


Top Row

Unit Groups - total number of unit groups uploaded to the Project

Total Units - total number of units uploaded to the Project

Units Raw Submissions - counts a unit's first submission in any job

Total judgments - when multiple judgments are enabled, this will count how many total judgments are expected to be collected in the project (Note: this will only take into consideration units that are in jobs, and will only populate after the number of judgments per unit has been chosen for the job).

Raw progress - shows the raw progress of the project as a percentage:

  • Raw Progress = Units Raw Submissions / (Total Units - New)

Bottom Row

New - units that have never been assigned to a job

Judgable - units that are in a job and ready to be worked on by contributors

Working - units that are currently being worked on by contributors in a job (in the case of multiple judgments, in Unit View units that have not collected all required units will show as working until all judgments are submitted, choose Judgment view to see individual statuses)

Submitted - units that are in submitted status in a job (in the case of multiple judgments: all required judgments are in submitted status)

Click on Total Judgments to also see the following information:

QA Accepted - units that were accepted in QA

QA Modified - units that were modified in QA (if QA checkers are modifying units in QA, see QA job configurations here)

QA Rejected - units that were rejected in QA (if QA checkers are not modifying units in QA)


In the Dataset Table

Additionally in the dataset table, any units that are test questions in any jobs will have the status Golden.

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