When selecting units to be sent to Jobs in quality flow, there are a number of features you can use to help track and prioritize your data flow.
Data groups
If you have subsets of your data that you would like to be processed differently throughout your project (for example given to different sets of users), or worked on in a particular order you can create a Data Group.
- A Data Group is created by selecting the desired units from the Data Set screen and then from the Actions > Create Data Group.
- Once you create and name it, you’ll see it populated in the Data Group section of your data set (tab next to All Data).
There are a limited number of Actions available to take on the Data Group from the Data group tab. However, once you return to the All Data tab, you can filter or search on your group name and action on your data group that way.
Essentially, a Data Group is a tag you can use to filter your data.
Unit Prioritization
If you want to treat some of your units as high priority you can set them as Prioritized via Actions on the Data Set table. Prioritized units will be worked on first in both Work and QA jobs.
- After selecting the units or data groups choose Actions > Update Priority For Selected Units
- In the dialogue pop-up choose whether to Prioritize or Deprioritize the selection.
- Prioritized units will have a unit tag "Prioritized".
- Priority is at the Project level which means that prioritized units will always be prioritized in any job, until you deprioritize them.
Saved Filters
- You can filter on the dataset and save your commonly used filters to come back to
- To save particular columns, choose at least one row filter as well
- Note that in case of jobs collecting multiple judgments you can filter in Unit View or Judgment View, if you save a filter in Unit View it will only be visible while you are in Unit View, and likewise for Judgment View
To create a saved filter: click into the filter and choose Save Filters; give your filter a name
To retrieve a saved filter: click in the Filters box, click Saved Filters and select the filter you'd like to apply
Recursive Sampling
- You can add filtering criteria to your routing by clicking on the grey circle leading from the data box to the job on the Jobs canvas. First set a Frequency and then set your filters. Units will flow into your jobs according to your frequency and filter criteria.
- See this article for important information regarding Filter Criteria unit routing when moving units from Job to Job.
- When you are using Filter Criteria, percentage sampling will always be 100%.
- Filter criteria can only be set for one job at a time
Abandoned Units Handling
If you choose to allow contributors to Abandon units while they are working, there are another couple of options to be aware of.
- Send Abandoned Units back to Job
- when this is toggled OFF and a contributor Abandons a unit, the unit will be marked as ABANDONED in the DATASET table and you will need to take manual action if you wish to have this unit looked at by someone else, (see below).
- when this is toggled ON and a contributor Abandons a unit, the unit will go back to the pool of work, and another contributor will be able to work on the unit.
- Max Number of Abandons - this is the maximum number of times a unit can go back to the job before it will be marked as ABANDONED, and manual action will need to be taken (see below). The Max Number of Abandons should be set to a number higher than "1".
Note on multiple judgments
If you are collecting multiple judgments per row, units can be sent back to the pool automatically, however in this case, you will need to set the Max Number of Allowed Abandonment to a number greater than the Judgments per Row. For example, if you are collecting 2 judgments per row but you want to allow 2 Abandons before the unit is permanently marked as Abandoned, you will need to set the Max Number of Allowed Abandonment to "4".
Visibility and actions
You can track the number of Abandoned units via the status banner at the top of the DATASET tab. To find ABANDONED units filter on the UNIT STATUS column.
To release ABANDONED units to be worked on again, select the Units, go to "Actions" and select "Change Abandoned Status to Judgable", this will make the units available to contributors again, including those who may have previously abandoned them.