
Dedicated 2.3.3 Release Notes

New Features in Dedicated 2.3.3

Usability Enhancements

  1. NEW Deprecate Jobs API -
    • Requestors can now deprecate jobs via the API. This allows customers to bulk deprecate jobs for cleaner job lists.
    • This feature affects requestors.
  2. UPDATED Ability to Filter Job List via the API - 
    • Requestors can now send parameters to our GET job list endpoint and filter by job state, created at date, and tags.
    • This feature affects requestors.
  3. NEW Ability to Toggle Exit Survey on Jobs (Patch Available) - 
    • Requestors can now toggle the contributor exit survey on/off per job. This feature can be accessed in a job through the Settings > Quality Control > Quality Control Settings.
    • This feature affects both requestors and contributors.

Tool and Aggregation Updates

  1. UPDATED: Prevent Users from Creating Nested CML Linked Aggregation - 
    • The CML editor now provides warning when requestors attempt to create invalid nested job designs. This prevents users from saving and launching invalid job designs.
    • This feature affects requestor job designs.
  2. UPDATED Copy Paste Shapes in Image and Video Annotation Tools –
    • Contributors can now copy and paste shapes while annotating to increase efficiency.
    • This feature affects contributors.
  3. UPDATED Linked Output for Image Transcription and CML: Shapes –
    • Requestors can now designate the format for annotation outputs in full reports to be either in a string or linked JSON format. This allows requestors to launch jobs with many annotations without encountering a reporting character limit.
    • This update affects requestors.
  4. UPDATED Ability to Auto Merge Spans in Text Annotation –
    • Contributors no longer need to select the “merge” and “split” buttons when creating spans. This helps improve usability and efficiency.
    • This update affects contributors
  5. UPDATED Magic Mode in PLSS –
    • Contributors can now utilize Magic Mode for CORS-enabled images in the Pixel-Labeling Semantic Segmentation tool for increased efficiency.
    • This update affects contributors.

User Management Enhancements

  1. Ability to Set cf_internal Root User Email -
    • System admins can now utilize a script within ansible-cfsecure to set the root cf_internal user to an email of their choice. This allows for greater flexibility and improved user management by utilizing a customer-specific email rather than the default credentials.
    • This affects requestors.

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