
Product Release Notes June 2020

To view Product Release Notes for 2021 and beyond, please visit this page.

Image and Video Annotation Efficiency Updates

Release Date: 6/1/20


  • In the video and image annotation tools, it now possible to copy, cut, and paste shapes.
    • Copy/paste hotkeys are the CTRL/CMD and C/V/X to copy, paste, or cut. This was a feature in hot demand with our managed crowds as well as customers who use many internal annotators.
    • This is a small, commonplace interaction that can drastically improve efficiency when many similar annotations need to be made.
  • In video annotation jobs, we added the ability for contributors to undo/redo the most common actions.
    • Undoable actions include changing shape size, location, class, as well as adding and deleting polygon points. Sidebar instructions for the tool have been updated.
    • This is a small usability enhancement that could yield meaningful efficiency gains at scale and was a commonly requested feature from internal and external contributors.


Route random samples in Workflows

Release Date: 5/22/20

Improvement: Automatically send "n" randomly selected rows from one Workflow operator to the next based on your desired sample size to streamline and automate various QA processes that rely on "audit" or "spotcheck"-style review jobs.

Learn more here.


Confidence-based routing in Workflows

Release Date: 5/29/20


  • New "column_header:confidence" options listed in the routing panel for all cml elements configured to output agg, cagg_x, or agg_x results. Simply select the header of interest, input your desired confidence threshold, and let Workflows take care of routing qualifying rows.
  • As with random sampling, the goal with this update is to help streamline and automate various QA processes that rely on pushing specific subsets of job output into subsequent "audit" or "spotcheck"-style jobs for review.

Learn more here.


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