
Product Release Notes March 2020

To view Product Release Notes for 2021 and beyond, please visit this page.

Audio Annotation Tool Beta

Release Date: 3/3/20

Improvement: The new Audio Annotation Tool enables you to annotate audio with segments and events based on custom ontology. This is the first step in preparing data for audio transcription and/or building an ASR model.  

Learn more here.


Video Annotation Tool Improvements

Release Date: 3/16/20


  • You can hide the zoom box in video annotation to annotate something below it.The improvement will increase accuracy and help annotate small things in the bottom right-hand corner of video jobs 
  • Have the ability to SKIP the validator in video annotation peer review the forces annotator to click on each frame. It will help increase speed in certain use cases 

 Learn more here.


Cross Team Access 

Release Date: 3/19/20

Improvement: This new feature allows users to belong to multiple teams within an organization using one platform login. With Cross-Team Access, users can easily switch context to another team within the platform without having to create multiple accounts.  

Learn more here.

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