
Product Release Notes January 2020

To view Product Release Notes for 2021 and beyond, please visit this page.

Connect multiple jobs with Workflows GA

Release Date: 1/27/20

Improvement: Use Workflows to automate use cases that require sending the same dataset through multiple jobs. Our beautiful, intuitive canvas interface allows you to connect jobs in linear or branched configurations, and set flexible routing rules between them. Best of all, Workflows combines all of the job output into a single, convenient report for you at the end! 

Learn more here.


Local Navigation Updates to Job Design Page

Release Date: 1/31/20

Improvement: We’ve made an update to the Job Design page to improve UX for the CML editor. Now it is much easier for users to quickly discover all of the different CML elements, which now live on a new right-hand panel that replaces CML reference panel. Even better, all open snippets can be closed on command! 

 Learn more here.


Ability to download custom channels

Release Date: 1/31/20

Improvement: We have added a download button next to the custom channel list and you can now download the list of contributor IDs belonging to a custom channel. 

Learn more here.

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