The Contributors Channels section is used to control which contributors will be able to work on a job. The Contributors page is located in Settings > Contributors. It contains four options: launch the job internally, externally, both internally and externally or through custom channels.
Internal Channel
- Only people with the internal job link are able to access and work in the job
- To share the job copy the link underneath Link To Share (or at the bottom of the Monitor page)
- This feature is particularly useful for:
- Testing the job from the perspective of a contributor
- Completing any remaining pending judgments in a specific job
- Distributing work to an internal workforce
Fig. 1: Internal link
Note: For more information about the Internal Channel Option please check out this article.
External Channel
Open Crowd
- Appen's open crowd has over 1M skilled contributor from all over the world, spanning 170+ countries and speaking 235+ languages and dialects. Choosing this option will launch the job to the contributor pool capable of advanced data labelling with specific cultural and social nuances.
- Contributor levels have been deprecated because contributor checks have been put in place and there have been improvements to the contributor profile. These changes are moves towards a more refined contributor segmentation system in he future.
- Targeting External > General > Open Crowd will target a large pool of contributors who are pre-checked.
For more information on the Geography and Language filters please see this article.
Fig. 2: Open Crowd
Appen Cavite
- Appen has its own dedicated secure facility in Cavite. In order to enable this feature for your team, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager.
- Targeting External > General > Appen Cavite will launch the job to Appen's secure facility contributors. However, approval is needed for each job. Please work closely with your CSM to launch your job to our Cavite contributors.
Fig. 3: Appen Cavite
Custom Channels
- This option allows you to launch jobs to groups of preferred contributors created by your team
Fig. 4: Custom Channels
- There are two ways to utilize custom channels:
- Automatically select contributors
- Manually select contributors
Fig. 5: Select contributors