The Appen API returns a variety of responses to client requests. Here, you'll find examples of such responses, and what they mean. All application responses are returned in JSON, and HTTP status codes and messages appear in the response header.
Please visit this link for our new Developer API Documentation.
HTTP Status Codes
- 200 Success
- The request was successful.
- 202 Accepted
- We have accepted your request, and it has been queued for processing. The body of this response indicates when to try the request again.
- 302 Redirect
- We are redirecting you to a resource. The body of this response often contains a message.
- 400 Bad Request
- You failed to pass one or more required parameters.
- 401 Unauthenticated
- Authorization failed, check your key.
- 402 Payment Required
- The operation you are trying to complete requires payment.
- 404 Not Found
- The resource you are referencing does not exist, or you don't own it.
- 405 Method Not Allowed
- The method you are using (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) is not available from this URL.
- 406 Not Acceptable
- The format you requested is not available.
- 422 Unit Limit Reached
- You have uploaded the maximum amount of units (1 million) allowed in a job.
- Note: limit by default is 250k, but the Team admin has the ability to increase it to 1 million
- 429 Too Many Requests
- You have exceeding our rate limit. The rate limits are explained here.
- 500 Internal Server Error
- An error occurred on the server.
Application Response Messages
In addition to or in lieu of a resource object, the Appen API may return one of three types of status messages: Success, Notice, or Error.
The type of application message returned will not necessarily "correspond" with the HTTP status code. For example, a 200 OK status code returned with an application error message indicates that the request successfully reached the server, but the Appen platform couldn't complete the request.
{ success: { message: "Job created successfully." } }
{ notice: { message: "Your job is being completed." } }
{ error: { message: "Job could not be canceled." } }
Unit Object Response
{ "id":513610734, "data":{ "author":"Homer", "major_works":"The Iliad|The Odyssey", "countries_active":"Greece" }, "difficulty":0, "judgments_count":0, "state":"new", "agreement":null, "missed_count":0, "gold_pool":null, "created_at":"2014-07-31T05:47:59+00:00", "updated_at":"2014-07-31T05:47:59+00:00", "job_id":546283 }
Judgment Object Response
[ { "id":1246809011, "created_at":"2014-04-18T23:14:24+00:00", "started_at":"2014-04-18T23:14:09+00:00", "webhook_sent_at":null, "external_type":"neodav", "judgment":1, "reviewed":null, "golden":false, "missed":null, "rejected":null, "tainted":true, "country":"NLD", "region":"", "city":"", "job_id":425765, "unit_id":449227099, "worker_id":22256937, "trust":0, "worker_trust":0.888888888888889, "unit_state":"finalized", "data":{ "choose_one":"Yes" }, "unit_data":{ "retweet_count":2, "text":"Turning heads in #TedToToe!", "favorite_count":5, "created":"2014-04-18T21:15:03+00:00", "user":"ted_baker", "lang":"en", "id":457266078155304960 } }, { "id":1246811339, "created_at":"2014-04-18T23:17:43+00:00", "started_at":"2014-04-18T23:17:34+00:00", "webhook_sent_at":null, "external_type":"neodev", "judgment":2, "reviewed":null, "golden":false, "missed":null, "rejected":null, "tainted":true, "country":"NLD", "region":"07", "city":"Amsterdam", "job_id":425765, "unit_id":449227099, "worker_id":22797593, "trust":0, "worker_trust":0.848888888888889, "unit_state":"finalized", "data":{ "choose_one":"No" }, "unit_data":{ "retweet_count":2, "text":"Turning heads in #TedToToe!", "favorite_count":5, "created":"2014-04-18T21:15:03+00:00", "user":"ted_baker", "lang":"en", "id":457266078155304960 } } ]
Tainted Judgments Response
{ "golden_units":0, "all_units":1, "ordered_units":1, "completed_units_estimate":0, "needed_judgments":193, "all_judgments":108, "tainted_judgments":1, "completed_gold_estimate":0, "completed_non_gold_estimate":0 }
Job Object Response
{ "id":000000, "options":{ "logical_aggregation":true, "track_clones":true, "include_unfinished":true, "front_load":false, "after_gold":10 }, "title":null, "secret":"redacted", "project_number":null, "alias":null, "judgments_per_unit":3, "units_per_assignment":5, "pages_per_assignment":1, "max_judgments_per_worker":null, "max_judgments_per_ip":null, "gold_per_assignment":0, "minimum_account_age_seconds":null, "execution_mode":"worker_ui_remix", "payment_cents":10, "custom_key":null, "design_verified":true, "require_worker_login":null, "public_data":false, "variable_judgments_mode":"none", "max_judgments_per_unit":null, "expected_judgments_per_unit":null, "min_unit_confidence":null, "units_remain_finalized":null, "auto_order_timeout":null, "auto_order_threshold":null, "completed_at":null, "state":"unordered", "auto_order":false, "webhook_uri":null, "send_judgments_webhook":null, "language":"en", "minimum_requirements":null, "desired_requirements":null, "order_approved":true, "max_work_per_network":null, "copied_from":null, "created_at":"2014-03-21T03:10:54+00:00", "updated_at":"2014-03-21T03:10:54+00:00", "included_countries":[ ], "excluded_countries":[ ], "instructions":"", "cml":null, "js":null, "css":null, "problem":null, "confidence_fields":null, "gold":{ }, "units_count":0, "golds_count":0, "judgments_count":0, "support_email":"", "crowd_costs":0.0, "completed":false, "fields":null }