
Product Release Notes - July 2023

  • We are excited to introduce the latest feature on the ADAP platform - User and Team Templates! Users can now create templates based on existing jobs, preserving the job settings for convenience. Additionally, we have introduced Team Templates, which are available to all users within a team account. Enjoy a convenient and standardized resource for your job design and launch processes! More Info
  • We are delighted to share the news of the release of our AI Chat Feedback tool, a powerful resource that enables contributors to have live conversations with your Chatbot Model, and rate the responses, in real time. With seamless model integration, you can be up and running in no time! More Info

Quality Flow Digest - July Releases

  • Multiple Judgments and aggregated reports download are now supported in Quality Flow. More Info
  • When QA is being done in Rejection mode (instead of Modify Mode), there is now the ability to configure Rejection Reasons and display these on the Quality dashboard alongside Acceptance Rates. More Info
  • It is now possible to route units to following QA jobs manually. More Info
  • It is now possible to set unit priorities; prioritized units will be worked on first in any job. More Info
  • It is now possible to set which columns to download in the Dataset report. More Info
  • It is now possible to delete Jobs that have never been used. More Info



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