[{"class_name":"bicycle","description":"A vehicle that has two wheels, one behind the other, a steering handle, and a saddle seat or seats and is usually propelled by the action of a rider’s feet upon pedals. ","display_color":"#17becf"},{"class_name":"bus","description":"Bus","display_color":"#1f77b4"},{"class_name":"car","description":"Anything one might buy to drive as a personal vehicle (other than ego car). Car, jeep, SUV, van with continuous body shape, caravan, no other trailers.","display_color":"#ff7f0e"},{"class_name":"rider","description":"A person who is riding something, especially a car","display_color":"#2ca02c"},{"class_name":"traffic light","description":"A set of automatically operated colored lights, typically red, amber, and green, for controlling traffic at road junctions and crosswalks","display_color":"#d62728"},{"class_name":"traffic sign","description":"a sign conveying information, an instruction, or a warning to drivers","display_color":"#9467bd"},{"class_name":"pedestrian","description":"A person walking along a road or in a developed area","display_color":"#8c564b"},{"class_name":"truck","description":"A large, heavy motor vehicle used for transporting goods, materials, or troops","display_color":"#e377c2"}]