### **Overview** REPLACE - Rules: Give the 'what' and 'why' of a task in no more than three sentences. The overview should give a clear high-level picture of what a worker will be doing. Contributors appreciate it when you explain the value behind this task. You do not need to go into specific details of your task in this section. Not sure what to put here? Here's an example of one Overview for a Sentiment Analysis task.In this job, you will be reviewing short snippets of text related and rating their sentiment. The information gathered here will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of a recent ad campaign. * * * ### **Steps** REPLACE - Rules: 1. Describe the step-by-step process by which workers will complete the task. 2. Short, to the point steps are the best way to get high quality results. 3. If you can, use annotated screenshots to explain your task. External programs like Skitch can be useful for adding text and arrows to images. * Don't worry if they're not very pretty, it's more important for a task to be well explained than pretty! 4. General structure - each step should begin with an action verb in bold. 5. Make sure the steps correspond to the process by someone will complete the task you've designed. Poor instructions lead to poor results! * * * ### **Rules and Tips** REPLACE - Rules: Use green headers for positive/"DO THIS", yellow for warning/"be careful of", red for bad/"DO NOT". #### **Do This** REPLACE: This section is good for highlighting specific rules of your task that users should follow or tips that are useful for for getting quality results. For example, if you are running a task where you are asking users to collect URLs for a business and only want their official website, this would be where you highlight how a user will use your provided search link to find the task and common traits official websites may have. If you were running a sentiment analysis task, this section would be useful to instruct your users to imagine that they were the author of the post. Is their intention to write positively, negatively, or neutrally about the brand in question? * Breaking your tips down into lists usually makes them easier for contributors to understand. #### **Be Careful Of** REPLACE: This section is a good place to highlight potential edge cases your task will run into. It will not always be necessary to include this section. If you wish to remove a section, just highly and erase the section beginning at the BEGIN SECTION html comment and until it's END SECTION note. #### **Do Not** REPLACE: This section is a good place to highlight additional rules and cases to avoid. For example, if you were running a URL find job and only want users to find official websites, not Yelp or other social media profiles, this would be a section where you explain that they should not return social media websites as answers. If you were writing a sentiment analysis task, this section would be useful for instructing users to evaluate based on the author's intent and to not include their own personal opinion on the subject. * * * ### **Examples** REPLACE - Rules: Lay out several examples of a question, the answer that should be selected and why. It's a great idea to use images and show edge cases in this section. You can use Twitter Bootstrap 2.3.2 to create advanced layouts. #### Example 1 REPLACE - Rules: Lay out several examples of a question, the answer that should be selected and why. It's a great idea to show edge cases in this section. #### Example 2 REPLACE - Rules: Lay out several examples of a question, the answer that should be selected and why. It's a great idea to show edge cases in this section. #### Example 3 REPLACE - Rules: Lay out several examples of a question, the answer that should be selected and why. It's a great idea to show edge cases in this section. * * * ### **Thank You!** REPLACE - Rules: Our contributors really appreciate a customized thank you note! It's always great to know that you're appreciated! Not sure what to say here? Try: Dear Contributor, thank you for your careful work in this job! You've helped our organization improve with your contributions today!